Emile Smith Rowe, a promising young talent for Arsenal, recently had the opportunity to visit the renowned Royal Zoo in Dubai in order to gain further knowledge about the fascinating animal kingdom. Smith Rowe’s visit was a dual victory for animal rights advocates and conservationists, including herself. She had the opportunity to observe these remarkable creatures from a close distance and contribute to guaranteeing their ongoing well-being and contentment.
Encountering the magnificent and formidable tigers was a highlight of Smith Rowe’s expedition. He familiarised himself with the conservation initiatives dedicated to safeguarding this species and observed these splendid felines in their intricately designed enclosures. The encounter had a profound impact on Smith Rowe, further strengthening his commitment to safeguarding wildlife.
At the Royal Zoo, Smith Rowe had the honor of caring for both tigers and bears. The gentle giants’ eccentric traits and lighthearted demeanor enchanted him. Smith Rowe helped feed and enrich the bears under the supervision of knowledgeable zookeepers, who were responsible for their emotional and physical well.