Ruben Dias, the Manchester City defender, may have confirmed his romance with Maya Jama, the Love Island host, after sharing a cryptic photo on social media. The two were spotted dining together in Ibiza on New Year’s Eve, and they had previously crossed paths at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Manchester.
According to a source quoted by The Sun, Dias and Jama have reportedly been “secretly dating for a month.” The source noted that after exchanging contact information at the EMAs, their relationship intensified in early December. With Dias sidelined due to injury, he took the opportunity to celebrate the New Year with Jama in Spain, marking a significant step in their relationship. They reportedly get along well and are considered a “gorgeous couple,” although it’s still early days.
While neither has publicly commented on their relationship, Dias shared an image from his New Year celebrations that seemingly shows him cozying up to Jama as they enjoyed a Mediterranean sunset.
Jama has been single since her split from rapper Stormzy in July 2024 and has expressed her desire for her next partner to be someone with whom she can build a lasting family. She conveyed her hopes for a future family, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right partner.
Given Jama’s celebrity status, she acknowledged that any relationship she pursues will be under public scrutiny. It remains to be seen whether the pair will officially address their rumored romance in the future.