The “In-the-Box” initiative was launched by Marcus Rashford, a football player for Manchester United and the England national team, to raise funds for three Manchester-based homeless charities: Barnabus, Centerpoint, and Lifeshare.
During the holidays, the public is encouraged to fill shoeboxes with essential items for adults in need. The drop-off location, in partnership with Selfridges Manchester Exchange (1 Exchange Square Central, Corporation St, Manchester, M3 1BD), is situated in the menswear department on the first floor. It will be open Monday through Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00.
Rashford shared, “With the help of my family, I prepared and delivered several gift boxes to those in need across Manchester during a previous holiday season. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of the year, and I wanted this year’s events to reach an even broader audience. I’m thrilled to be partnering with Selfridges Manchester Exchange for Christmas 2023.”
This is my opportunity to assist those who may not have the best Christmas,” he said, sharing his desire to give back to his city. “I’m incredibly grateful for the support I’ve received over the years, and I hope many more will join us so we can make a significant impact together.
We’re thrilled that Marcus Rashford has chosen to support Lifeshare, Centrepoint, and Barnabus with his inspiring ‘In-the-Box’ campaign,” said Lifeshare Trustee Robin Toal. “His efforts this Christmas will truly make a difference for those who are impoverished and homeless