Lionel Messi receives his Adidas Nemeziz Cold Blooded boots in spectacular fashion as drone delivers black and blue custom boots to Inter Miami star😍

Leo Messi has unveiled his new Nemeziz 17+ 360 Agility boots in Barcelona, ​​part of the Adidas Cold Blooded Pack, at the launch event for the new edition of the Tango League. The Argentine star spoke to the media and tournament attendees about a range of current affairs as well as his new Nemeziz boots, which have been designed specifically for him and which he will be wearing on the pitch from today.

Las nuevas Adidas Nemeziz se presentan apadrinadas por Messi - Diffusion  Sport


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Over 500 people attended the launch event for the new Nemeziz, which featured two notable moments: the first was Messi’s dramatic entrance, complete with an incredible light and sound show, not to mention a standing ovation from the crowd; and the second was the arrival of their exclusive Nemeziz, which were flown right over the main stage by a drone that delivered them to them. The Argentines witnessed an exhibition match between some of the most famous YouTubers on the national stage.

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Messi was guest of honour at the Club Montjuic of the Palau Sant Jordi of Barcelona


The Barcelona forward was all smiles as he took centre stage at Friday's showcase event

Leo Messi has confirmed that he is the designer of the new Nemeziz boots: “I want to feel comfortable when using my boots, that’s why I try to be as involved as possible in the design process.”

Leo Messi Teases adidas Nemeziz Football Boots - SoccerBible


Lionel Messi's Adidas ad has a familiar link to last summer's football  madness | Digital Sport