Lionel Messi and Suarez surprise fans when they appear in a Lays commercial at a bar⭐️

Fans were taken aback when Messi, Suárez, Henry, and Alexia Putellas appeared in a Lays commercial in a bar.

Football and food have always been closely related, which is why the well-known potato chip company Lay’s is one of the Champions League’s primary official sponsors. Through entertaining and imaginative advertisements, the company has deftly capitalized on this collaboration.

How Lay's Did Pub Crawls With Messi and Alexia Putellas

A classic in the run-up to Champions League games is the “No Lay’s, No Game” campaign. By uniting football greats Messi, Suárez, Henry, and Putellas in their search for the greatest bar to watch a Champions League game, Lay’s has now gone one step further.

La sacaron del estadio! Messi, Suárez, Henry y Putellas aparecen en un  comercial de papas fritas


Un anunci uneix Messi, Alexia, Henry i Suárez veient el Barça

is the title of the Lays commercial, which carries on the company’s “No Lay’s, No Game” campaign from their sponsorship of the Champions League.

Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez are in Miami in the advertisement, while Thierry Henry and Alexia Putellas are in Barcelona. To the astonishment of unwary patrons, both teams went out to select the greatest bar to watch a Champions League match. One crucial prerequisite must be met, though: Lay’s must be available for sharing at the bar.


The ad’s stars also discussed their impressions of the experience of fans that come. “Luis and I had a great time surprising fans in Miami,” Messi said while in the city. It was a particularly memorable day since, unlike “normal fans,” we find it difficult to watch a sport in a bar.

Alexia Putellas, meanwhile, emphasized: “I will always remember the fans’ reactions—it was amazing.” It has been an honor to be able to surprise fans and collaborate with a company like Lay’s that shares this love and enthusiasm for the game.

Messi , Suárez, Henry y Alexia aparecen por sorpresa en un bar de Miami: la  reacción de la gente... -

“Watching football is a social act,” Thierry Henry concluded, underscoring the emotional component. My father and I used to watch matches together as kids while munching on chips, and I’m now carrying on that custom with my family.